P.O. Box 1156 Jacksonville, North Carolina 28541-1156, USA
A registered 501C3 Organization - Phone - 804.781.4534

Media / Press
Thank you for your interest in Lightning Strike and Electric Shock Survivors International, Inc. Our main function is to serve as a support group to injured people and their families and friends.
While we seek a broader understanding of our issues, we do not actively seek publicity. However we are often called on by the media, film makers and other interested parties to participate in documentaries, give information, provide access to our annual conferences or supply survivors who are willing to be interviewed.
We are happy to do this provided the information and interviews are not used for commercial purposes or misused in other ways. We will review all requests and will reply in a timely manner. We provide information about our organization and what we do on this web site. We will not provide any names of individuals without their prior permission.
Please be aware that as an all volunteer organization we have expenses involved with your request as well as with the daily operation of the organization. Without exception we will request a tax-free donation from producers for participation in projects and will be happy to provide letters or receipts.
The monies are used for the benefit of the membership including office expenses including the newsletter, postage and telephone charges as well as assistance to needy first time attendees at our annual conferences. Please contact : Media Email Contact Click Here